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    1. 2,035 words

      by , 06-29-2018 at 01:29 PM
      Tonight's sleep pattern was a little different. Instead of 5 rounds of dreams, I only had 3, and then it was morning already. I went to bed a little after 9, so that might be partly why. But my recall was good.

      I tried using a version of the mind palace method. But instead of using external objects, I just used my finger tips and the joints on my fingers. For example, I made the memory of the sea monster one fingertip because it was very memorable. Then I associated a memory linked to that with the next finger joint, and so on. I tapped on the finger joint as I thought about the memory to build the link.


      Round 1 of Dreams.

      I remember something with a Pokemon battle. I think I had a Pokemon with Psychic and Ice moves, but couldn't decide which to use.

      I remember being in my Nana's room, and/or at the Arboretum. Thinking of some homework assignments. I don't remember the particular assignments, but I remember the teacher.

      My idea in the dream was to create an excel file to hold all my homework assignments. This way they could be squeezed into a little excel block but look very organized. I was very excited about the idea.

      I remember floating on a raft around a lake. There was a bridge I would pass under, and a small water fall.

      There was something about aliens. They had come to Earth many years ago. Something about how they tried taking credit for the previous millions of years when really it wasn't them. I'm not sure how to describe it but there was one date mentioned from millions of years ago.

      I remember being at my Nana's. there were people with cell phones. They didn't have good reception, but they were happy anyway.

      I remember being in Nana's kitchen. I saw her go up the stairs with a cigarette. I was like, "Argh! Don't smoke inside! If you go outside, go far away, not even near an open window!" She seemed to be sorry. Smokers should be. I had a horrible run-in with an inconsiderate smoker on the way out of the store. They think they're having the time of their lives, getting stoned on nicotene, when really they are poisoning themselves and everyone else. I feel so angry at those damn smokers.

      I remember something about some EZ-up style frames being put up, with hoses traped over them. Uncle C or my dad was saying something like, "You wouldn't understand," which I think referred to the smoking. Oh, I understand, alright. I understand that those jerks should fuckin' stop. And I understand that their right to smoke ends where my right to breathe begins. Which basically means that all smokers belong in confinement camps.

      I remember the dream ended with me being at my nana's dinner table. My sister was to my left, and nana was to my right. I had my wallet and pulled out 6 dollars. A one dollar bill and a five dollar bill. I am not sure what I did with them.

      I woke up and recalled them. That was when I thought of that finger tip method, and using associations to ensure that I can re-remember the dreams later.


      Round 2 of Dreams.

      I was in a bedroom with a horse. I don't know if E was there. but I remember the horse could walk up on its hind legs. It also ran sprints accross the room, even though there were only 20 or 30 feet in one direction.

      I remember a black marble notebook with some writing in it. One page talked about how fire Pokemon should get more Energy Cards or something like that. Something about how they didn't make enough Fire Energy.

      I remember being at the little bridge at the back of the Arboretum. I was thinking about the difference between Humans and Saiyans.

      Then it shifted and I was in a church booth thing. I was hiding out as someone approached. It was A M. He was there to talk to someone about starting A C A meetings. When I appeared, he was glad to see me, and thought I had already got started on the meeting thing.

      He went to talk to the person. There was a huge puddle of water forming. I found a big basket of dirty linens and used them to soak up the water.

      I remember being in the room when the meeting was starting. Chairs were all around. I think R was there. I was trying to walk around. Some women were in a circle of chairs. Some how I got stuck in the circle and couldn't squeeze by the chairs. I made some funny faces and funny noises and they made way in the chairs to let me out.

      At some point, there was a totally different scene, but it seemed right in the middle of the meeting and food court scenes. So i will write it here. Someone like Goku was flying with someone like young Gohan through the air. They were carrying something big. The Goku guy was carrying it while the young Gohan character was just hanging from it by his arms.

      Then the young Gohan's arms started to stretch and he fell down to the water. Goku had to fly down and save him. There was a giant blue whale or sea monster thing.

      I remember feeling like i was the one flying after a while. I could land on a raft, but I knew the sea monster could bump the raft from underneath. I wanted to get to land, where we'd be safe from the sea monster. It had a blue back and face and a white under belly.

      I don't know how it transitioned to the next thing. But, next, I was in a cafeteria thing. There were food selections all around the room. Lots of stainless steel surfaces. I remember pouring myself some milk and then some bran flakes. I was going to put the milk first, then the bran flakes. I considered adding some sugar.

      A woman suggested I eat something else. I said maybe later. I wish I had got lucid! I noticed that they were putting out desserts, but not in a refrigerated space. So, if no one took the desserts within an hour or so, they'd have to throw them out.

      I said to R K, "Don't you think they should buy some fridges, and serve the desserts from there? The fridges would pay for themselves within..." And I estimated a time frame. He replied by questioning me, in a way that made me realize I didn't need to know what he thought about it.

      He had a big sundae in a glass sundae dish, and another food item. When I looked away, and looked back, I saw that he had already finished the three full scoops of ice cream in the dish and had added another 5! I wish I would get lucid in these food dreams! I would eat lots of dream food.

      I remember driving down the hill that leads into the Staples parking lot. I was hearing some song about "smoking the water" and was concerned about the smoking reference. I took a left, then a right. There were some road signs... I think the car vanished and I was just walking.

      Where I arrived was another facet of the cafeteria and meeting room place. This time it was another computer lab. There were only a few computers, and one person there.

      She was a blonde woman in a grey medium sleeve shirt. The shirt had red around the cuffs and red lettering.

      The woman sat back in a computer chair and told me that she wants to meet someone who needs her affirmations. I told her that I don't really need affirmations because I am already okay with self talk. It seemed like she wanted to coach someone in self talk.

      Then, J B came in through the door. I remember seeing his head through the glass window. She began to ask him about some things, and some other people they knew. I felt sad that she might lose interest in me.

      They were playing a guitar song. I think it was played in a way of criticizing someone else. Whoever they were criticizing came in. He happened to be the original artist of the song they were playing. He got his guitar and played, singing, something like, "Brad, dont go and blaze youself." I originally remembered the tune, but lost it. Dream memories of musical tunes have sometimes slipped my mind more easily than other dream details.

      Then there was something about work at the big food store where M R worked... There was something about a chimney pipe on top of the building. Someone in the room with us was saying how is was difficult to work there, not knowing who was the evil one and who was the good one.

      I woke up and recalled those. It was really satisfying to be able to go back, and back, and back. I guess my waking life recall is paying off again.

      I took my Alpha-GPC 300mg and Huperzine-A 100mcg before returning to bed.


      Round 3 of Dreams.

      I couldn't remember any dreams from round 3 for a while. So, I re-played Rounds 1 and 2 in my mind.

      Eventually, after my mind had wandered off, I remembered! I was in the high school locker room, changing for gym class. I saw my running shoes and didn't want to wear those. I wore my white vans and tan khaki pants. I wondered if those were going to help in gym class, but figured I would give it a try.

      That was all I got, from Round 3.

      However, something else interesting happened. I had a memory from last night's dreams return to me. I just remembered seeing some kind of pink tiles... Almost like Trick Room from Pokemon. Appearing in front of me. And I was like, 'This is a dream! I'm lucid!' I know it was from last night's dreams.

      I finished the outline around 6:36 A M, so I was up early. I am getting shoulder pain in my right and left shoulders when I lay on either side for a few hours, which is making it hard to fall asleep. I hope something will alleviate this, since I don't know how to sleep on my back.
    2. Feb 24 to 25 Dreemz with dream journal drawing video

      by , 02-25-2018 at 08:34 PM
      Here is my dream journal entry in drawing format:


      Feel free to just watch a minute if you don't want to watch it all

      Here are my dreams from February 24 to 25, 2018.

      First round of dreams.

      My memory of the dreams from the first time I got up starts with a scene with my mom. We were near some big ravine or hole in the ground. There was some kind of creepy entity or something. Couldn't remember it in any more detail though.

      There was a part where my sister and I were in the car with a baby. Then I was walking through my town near this brick part, and two people said hi to me, but I was in a bad mood and couldn't get myself to respond. Then I walked by a friend I knew and he had a big turkey and cheese sandwich on whole wheat bread. He was saying how there weren't enough cold cuts. I told him he should buy the cold cuts in bulk. There were already a lot on there though. It was toasted and I think I had some. It was in tin foil.

      In the next part I remember I was in a hall way adjusting my pants. I was thinking of what I was going to tell L K about video game dynamics. I was thinking of explaining it using all "I" statements. Then I went to the room she was in waiting for me. But in the next room I had to adjust my pants again. While I adjusted my pants I was thinking about dealing with my jealousy. Then I went in there and there was another guy with L K. Telepathically from the dream intelligence I knew it was the guy's birthday. I wanted to seem cool so I invited the guy to stay with us, even though I wanted it to be just L K & myself. I thought this would ruin my chance with L K (A woman I was interested in).

      Then a part where I was walking through my neighborhood, thinking of an electrician job that I could get. Then as I turned a corner I got more excited about a potential government funded job that would pay very well.

      That was the last thing I remembered from those dreams. As usual, from first rounds of dreams, my recall took a hit from needing to get up to pee. For the rest of the night, I wake up every 30 to 90 minutes, but for the first 3 to 6 hours of the night I usually sleep all the way through. So when I wake up the first time, I have dreams I could remember, but I need to go pee. I try to stay in bed as long as I can but holding in that pee for too long sure does hurt. In recent nights however I have been able to have decent dream recall of my dreams from my first wake up where as in the past I would totally forget it all by the time I got back to bed.

      Also I have been dreaming of L K a lot but I never see her in waking life. So I think I want to check if I am dreaming when I see her and ask her why she is still in my dreams.

      Here were the dreams from the second time I recorded them.

      Something about writing a dream in the present tense, dream chaining, writing dreams.

      Then I was in this food store with my mom and sister. We met my aunt and uncle on the platform between two sets of stairs.

      A Cashier kid wanted to be my friend but I said he was too young to be my friend. That is kind of sad. We were talking near some shelves about metaphysics and life. and he said What % is metaphysical? I said 35% and he said 5%.

      Then I went into a Small movie theater with my mom and sister, and maybe other relatives who we met there. Pokemon information was showing on the screen. There was a Pokemon called X Y Veltal, a fusion between Xerneas and Yveltal from the X and Y games. It was chasing me. I was trying to open the start menu but the game kept running even while I had my start menu open. Then I was running on these board walks or wooden bridges. Eventually I hid in this bush. Then two women saw me and said, "Is that you?!" In an angry tone as if they had caught me.

      I may have forgot some stuff but then in the next part, I was in this restaurant job. A guy was sitting at a table with his feet up. He was kicking mopping fluid all over the place. He said he didn't care if it was bad for his skin. He just wanted the floor clean so he could make money. He had a you tube channel with 7 viewers called "Cathryn is a Beaver". I thought it sounded mean. It was all about being a waiter. Someone else talked about a woman named Sashy who had 100 viewers. She had a channel about horses.

      There might have been something after that part, but I forgot. I felt like I initially remembered something but then it was gone by the time I tried to think back to that part. After remembering more earlier parts.

      Third round of dreams.

      I had this one dream where i was in this water at night time. I was wearing a white shirt with a silver wire running down it. The wire was used to reveal my location. I was sort of helping the police catch this sea monster thing who was going to blow up the water. It was more of a humanoid sea monster thing. The dream showed a cut scene of the police trying to swim towards the location with lights on. I didn't remember it that well because as I was thinking about it, I fell back asleep at first. Luckily I managed to recover some parts. It is an interesting feeling when I could guess 100 guesses and none of them are it. But when the dream detail comes to mind, I know that was exactly it.

      Another part of that dream involved being under a grey bridge. And then there was a hole in the bridge for trucks to dump their bathroom through. Then it landed in a pipe. But someone was in the pipe. Maybe that was how they got the sea monster.

      When I fell back asleep, I dreamed of my Dad driving me to the local intermediate school. but in the dream, I thought it was L V or G C. I didn't want to tell my Dad how I didn't want to go to a church.

      When i got to this place it was some kind of event. There was a bin of markers on a chair. I thought that people had stolen my sister's markers. I was asking my sister if her markers had been stolen while trying not to let other people there overhear me. I was also buying her new markers.

      In another part, a woman was making me eggs. The dream repeated twice. The second time it was only 2 P M and I wasn't ready for the eggs yet. Then I suddenly remembered that I fell asleep without recording the previous dream and woke up L O L. Does that count as a lucid dream? .

      Round 4 of dreams.

      There was a part with a Pokeball opening up and a person coming out. Like how they have the lazers that come out of the Poke balls.

      Then i was battling Reshiram and Zekrom in the clouds. I couldn't catch them so i had to blow them away. I remember one after the other appearing on the cloud and I had to blow them away into a red sky. maybe I had Tornadus.

      Something about Ditto healing its own H P. And a Muk who would use Toxic on the opponent. Then it had a made up move called Holo Haul which caused it to recover H P based on how much damage was dealt by toxic. the Muk glowed when it used Holo Haul.

      In the next dream my Dad was raking some leaves. He raked a straight line of leaves. I was supposed to rake too, but didn't want to. I had a broom. I was sweeping the leaves by the road at our old house. I had swept some away when my Dad said to stop because there were worms in the ground. And something about the birds eating them.

      Then this part where I had a lucid moment. I was seeing myself or a character running from a side scroller video game point of view. Then 3 really obvious dream signs appeared. or thats how it felt to me while I was dreaming. I was like, that is so obvious it is a dream. The third one was a big bear in the window. I stared at the bear a while and then woke up. I couldn't really think of what to do and it didn't feel like I had a body to use.

      Fif round of dreams, yo.

      I was driving to and from a local food store in the dark. I vaguely remember being by the door.

      Then I was in the kitchen of our old house. I was on the phone with someone who asked where I had been. I told them I had been meditating a lot the last few days, no bad news or anything. There was a bunch of stuff in a pile blocking the fridge. I didn't want my Dad to have to move it so I decided I would move it out of the way.

      There was this part where it showed some guy who sucked peoples hearts out with a machine and ate them. Then the person was building a free educational center. It seemed benevolent but I knew he was kind of masking his dark side. There were some nurse ladies with a cleaning cart. I went into the educational place I think.

      I was Reading a book then closing it and imagining the rest. I was Thinking in terms of some kind of humility religion. Then I realized I wasn't really predicting the ending of the book. And I was thinking, What is happening to my brain? I felt like I was being brain washed.

      There was a part that showed Perfect Cell from D B Z. His face opened up into a rectangle of white light for a power blast kind of thing. I remember the bright white light.

      Then there was a guy with an afro. The dream scene was orange and pink. The guy was shooting tiny dots of white light very rapidly from his finger tips. He was a bad guy though. I was thinking how he can't be in "bipolar color" because he is not the highest higher power. Only the highest higher power could be in "bipolar color." I was this little Kartana thing and fighting him. But I only remember it vaguely. Very vivid though.

      Then I was Walking through a hallway to a movie theater or my nana's room. There were Light switches each at the top of each set of stairs. I heard Music notes when stepping on these green parts of the floor. There were multiple sets of stairs as I walked along the hallway.

      Then I was in my Nana's bed by myself, where I guess I had dreamed that i was sleeping. The land line rang and woke me up. The land line has woke me up in other dreams too. That's a good dream sign because I always turn the ringer off at night. I saw the name on it but forgot the name. Then I was on my Nana's couch sleeping more. My Aunt came in and tried to plug in a lamp behind me. She told me I should go play volleyball outside. I told her I am just enjoying my sleep because I had lots of insomnia this past week. In the dream, without being aware I was dreaming, I thought back to my waking life and how I implemented a home remedy for restless legs that has been helping me. (Look up bar soap in bed for restless legs). I was afraid my uncle would come give me a hard time for sleeping in.

      then I was filling out a form for a workout buddy thing. I put my actual land line number which was interesting. Then it had two slots for social media or blog pages. I considered putting my dream views dream journal.

      ...And that was all! I listened to my voice notes from the dreams a bunch of times and did a dream drawing session in the link above. I was a lot more focused today because listening to my dreams helped.
    3. Fighting at the Garden of Eden

      by , 03-21-2016 at 07:58 PM
      We were driving very fast in an SUV on the outskirts of a town. My mother's ex husband (Niko) was in the driver's seat, I was in the backseat, and there were two other's with us. It's daytime and God has begun his destruction of the Earth. I saw an airplane above a town that lost control and was falling from the sky. Children were escaping from the plane with techniques they learned from school.

      All of a sudden, we are going off-road at about 45 mph. I see a freeway with a tall barbed-wire gate all along both sides of it. Niko turns and jumps the SUV off of the hill we were on, runs into the barbed-wire fence and seamlessly transitions us onto the highway. The freeway was in a forested area and most cars were heading the opposite direction we were. Some cars were going slower than us, so Niko decides to weave in and out of traffic to maintain his speed.

      We get to the end of the freeway at a small forest reserve-type area except that it is the Garden of Eden hidden in plain sight throughout time. We get out of the car and go to the lake about 50 ft from the car. It's night now and one of the guys shows me a sea monster under the lake. The lake is very deep and I can see through the muddy water the sea monster idly swimming. The guys says something to the effect of 'isn't it cool?'

      I get up and see a pack of ferocious wolves approaching me. I pick up a stick that had a smaller, sharp stick tied to it at the end similar to a pickaxe. A wolf jumps at me and I swing and seriously injure it. As the wolf lays on the ground, bleeding, he tells me,' over there, we saved it.' Instinctively knowing he was helping me, I run over about 20 ft and pick up a gauntlet off the ground. I run back to the wolves and punch one with the gauntlet. A flash of white light comes out of the gauntlet and hits the wolf with enough force to knock him back 10 ft. I proceed to kill every wolf in the pack with one hit each until they are all dead. Then I go over to the lake and punch into it hoping it would kill the sea monster. But the punch doesn't seem to have much effect without a close target. I try to punch it again, then I woke up.

      Updated 03-21-2016 at 08:03 PM by 50595

      non-lucid , memorable
    4. There's no fish

      by , 01-07-2014 at 05:45 PM (iBranko's Dream Journey)
      24.11.2013 1/3

      Eu estava num barco/jangada, pescando com algumas pessoas.
      Nós pescávamos, mas só conseguíamos peixes deformados/feios, como aqueles abissais.
      De repente um monstro do mar surgia e criava uma onda tăo grande que nos jogava em terra e secava o mar.
      Podíamos ver os peixes abissais por todo lugar.
      Todos ficavam tristes/abalados pelo ocorrido e íamos embora.
      Encontrava minha măe me esperando e andávamos. Passávamos por dentro deum mercado/padaria.
      Eu dizia que năo tinha conseguido nenhum peixe.
      Minha măe respondia: "Năo existem mais peixes".
    5. The World of Furries, The Problem With Water and The Horror-Fest

      by , 07-01-2012 at 11:46 PM (The Realm of the Child)
      This is a weird, kinda gross dream, not only because it involves furry sex, but me puking near the end from the sight of monkey poop. Anyways, here we go.

      The World of Furries

      I portrayed this sort of world as a video game of sorts, though it seemed real for the most part. Nonetheless, I wasn't human. Not at all. I was some sort of lizard... bird thing, and there was this island that we went to, and it was somewhat small, though it could fit around 30 people I'd like to think. I took a small boat to this island, and when I got there, other's were partying, and they were animals to. In fact, I don't think there was a single human in the crowd. Eventually though, I met up with this fox chick and somehow in very quick events, we swooned each other to the point of her giving me oral sex, which was incredibly awkward now that I've come to think of it. I kept coming back to this island, wanting more sex from her, and I got it, though it was always her just giving oral sex, and my supposed penis looked quite human considering, and she always stayed clothed no matter what. Though, as much as I wanted to keep coming back to this island, there was water. I have an immense fear of the ocean, and of course, that leads to bad things.

      The Problem With Water

      I was going to the island again, except I was scared out of my wits only now for some reason, because I was in the middle of the ocean. I fell off the boat for some reason or another, and I was underwater, and boy was I scared, horrified even. I began to get used to it after a while though, seeing as though I could breathe underwater for some reason, though that would all change when I suddenly stumbled upon two large and round sea monsters that began heading my way. I swam fast up to the surface, and what do you know, I was at the island again! Suddenly though, I was in real life, my dad's apartment. This was all on a computer, and though I don't remember what I was doing, I was trying my hardest to hide this computer from the rest of them, and they were all starting to get suspicious, I could tell. I went to my mom's house, which is how the next part starts.

      The Horror-Fest

      My dad came to my mom's house with me and my brother, which would be completely unlikely in real life, though my mom's house on the inside was actually a large station for trains or subways, but I continued on anyways. There was a large auditorium where a bunch of square like bath-bed mixes stood. They would hold no more than one person, and even then they would have to maneuver themselves to sleep because they were so small. I took my place, which was at the far left corner of the room (yeah, thanks mom) and I was suddenly nude and in a bath, lathering myself with a lot of damn soap. There was a young woman in front of my bath though, and she was beautiful. She had long, feathery black hair and a natural, mystic looking face with tan skin. I was in love with her, though I strangely didn't try to get a peek at her goods, despite her nudity. I went on cleaning, until I decided to get out, which I then had clothes on. I went to the bathroom, which was exactly how the bathroom at my mom's house looks like. I took a dump, though I was constipated. I simply couldn't poop. There was a TV in the bathroom, it was playing some sort of animal channel about monkeys. I tried to simply take the poop out manually with toilet paper, and it got all over my hands. I looked at the TV and thought my hands were covered in monkey poop, which is when I looked down at the trash can next to my toilet and vomited an orange, solid mushy substance. I washed my hands and left, even though I was still constipated. I went back into the tub room and just wait. Soon enough, I was back in the station room again, and from there my dad was chatting with a few other people, talking about how there's going to be a lot of screaming and scaring tonight. One of the men made a joke about another person in the room. My dad did this screeching laugh that scared the hell out of me, and my brother suddenly was next to me, only saying "Looks like he's the screamer..." he said. That was the last i remember of it.
    6. Fighting Sea Monster, Solving an Equation

      by , 01-29-2012 at 04:54 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Sea Monster, Solving an Equation


      Dream 1: Fighting a Huge Sea Monster

      The setting was like playing against the Sea Monster boss in The Legend of Zelda: The Skyword Sword. The dream was somewhat hazy, but it still had some realism to it. It was dark, raining probably, and thunder was making itself apparent constantly (but I don't believe I heard the roar of it though).

      (The visualization was more realistic and almost to Twilight Princess Graphics, at least, maybe more than that).

      I believe I only had the top of a broken crate to stand on to face against this creature. It feels like a video game simulation where I'm controlling the DC, but there are moments where I felt like I was the one with the sword or whatever item I was using to stab the creature.

      The creature had hands that were huge and could extend a little bit more than normal. I think they were actually floating, and I have to jump when they got lower and grab on to the skin to stab the eyes on the hands.

      There were moments where I was floating on top of the water and had to find a way to kill the creature while at a slight disadvantage.

      But the dream ends/fades, I can't remember how I killed the creature. OH, and the creature was light green all over.

      Dream 2: Solving an Equation

      I was in some room, probably a Science class. I was assigned to do Problem #102 I think. I don't know why, but I remember some DC pointing at me saying that I would do that.

      I look at the problem, and of course, it's an equation I have to solve. Great....

      So I try see what the problem was asking, it become clear what the answer was without having to solve it. It was weird, it was a multiple choice question that had answer choices that led to the actual answer.

      I tried calculating the problem and got a different problem than the answer I thought it was, which was 1,020.

      (I don't know if that number is just because of the Chemistry 102 course I'm taking, or if my mind is just teasing me with the extra 0).

      I couldn't remember the answer choice below "1,020," which was the first choice, but it did help me find out that it was really 1,020, it's just that I entered a number wrong before.

      That's all I remember.

      Great...I have no idea how I dreamed about a Sea Monster that had human facial features, and was trying to kill me.


      Updated 01-29-2012 at 06:52 PM by 47756

    7. 07/12/2011 - 1) Fragment, 2) "War on the Water"

      by , 07-14-2011 at 12:55 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      Dream Fragment One:
      There was some type of art contest going on. I remember rummaging through some of the entries with EH (a really attractive friend of mine, whom I seem to be dreaming about quite often, lately). It took forever to get to mine, which actually turned out to be of noticeably less quality than many of the others, but it was still somewhat decent. I could have sworn that I had more entries to show her, but it turned out to be only that one. Later, I was sitting on the floor, and she was straddling my lap with her arms draped over my shoulders. I was kissing along her neck and we were whispering some things to each other. My (deceased) dad was asleep in the other room, and we were trying to keep quiet, so as not to disturb him, or anyone else who was in the house. Later, my ex, MJ, and friend, J, came over. I was telling J about the amazing time I'd been having with EH. We all know each other, and MJ was talking with EH. I could tell MJ was plotting something. She came back over, beaming to me about how her and EH were now 'best friends,' and I had a feeling that this was, somehow, going to lead to trouble.

      Dream Two:
      "War on the Water"

      I was a part of (another) special military force (on some G.I. Joe type shit), caught up in an enormous firefight, in a village with high grass surrounding it. The enemy was a guerilla force, which was very skilled in hiding in the bush and using camouflage. They would pop up in random places, and we'd have to be quick to react. I remember having some weapon that fired hundreds of tiny spikes into the grasslands, blindly, to take out whoever might be hiding in them. One guy cornered me with a rocket launcher, around the side of a building. He was too close to fire on me, though, and I ended up throwing a grenade actually into his mouth (somehow), and diving around another corner just before he exploded. (I had watched the end of one of the Rambo movies, yesterday, which had the whole 'hiding in the high grasses' war scene in it.)

      Then, we had to chase down some of the leaders of this enemy faction. We got down to the water, which seemed more like an enormous lake than an ocean. They had a boat in the marina, and they took off down the water, running pretty-much parallel to the shoreline. We had boats of our own, and were about to get into one model, when we were presented with another, upgraded model. This thing was bad ass. It was like a futuristic rocket-boat - all black - that skimmed on top of the water and had boosters on the back. When they started it, it sounded like a jet engine. This boat just soared across the water at an amazing speed. A few miles down the shoreline, we came up to a landmass that jetted out from the coast a little bit. There was a short skirmish with some of the enemy, here - one of whom didn't look human, but like some human/beast hybrid that had long black spines that stuck out, down the back of his head. During this fight, some of my teammates had been abducted. The ship that the enemy had been on suddenly submerged and dropped down into a watery tunnel that led beneath this landmass. We were about to follow, when one of my other crew members said that we needed to go back and get the other ship that we'd left behind, as well, just in case something happened to this one. He convinced me by telling me how deep they were going, and how horrible a death it would be to drown, simply because we didn't have a back-up ship. I was sold.

      Soon, we were racing back, in the jet boat, to where we'd come from, weaving through some of the other ships along the coast. Back where we had docked, it took us a moment to find the other ship, but we soon had it - along with some reinforcements, and were headed back to the mystery land mass. We never quite made it, though. Along the way, we were intercepted by these large, ethereal creatures. They reminded me of Hindu Gods/Goddesses. They were each identical, aside from the fact that they were different colors. They were very large - some 40 feet tall - and seemed to have a sort of glow to them. They had multiple arms, and each one held a very large, curved sword in it. The entities were all clearly female, and had light wisps of translucent gowns fluttering around them. They gave us some type of threat, as they floated there, on top of the water, but I don't remember much of what they said. It seemed that their mission was to stall us there, though, so I don't know if they were working with the enemy or not. After talking for a while, they asked an enigmatic question; whether or not we'd noticed how the water level had been rising, as we were talking. Looking out over the horizon, I could see a swell. The water was definitely rising. But why? I got a really bad feeling.

      I knew something huge was coming. It was just a sudden assumption that turned into an unmistakable awareness. I told everyone on my team that we needed to get out of here - now. These entities were not about to let that happen, though. As soon as we attempted to vacate the area, they attacked, swooping and diving all around us, throwing their enormous blades at us, which rotated around and returned to them like boomerangs. One of them launched a blade at the jet boat I was piloting. Instinctively, I launched myself high into the air, my vessel being destroyed beneath me. Now, boatless, I dropped back down toward the water. Suddenly, though, I stopped. I was hovering - practically standing on the water. I realized that I had the ability to fly! This immediately affected the battle, and I was now flying and fighting and dodging these things and their flying swords. Feeling just on the cusp of lucidity (yet I don't think I ever quite realized I was dreaming), I also began using telekinesis, myself, realizing that - once one of those oversized blades came spinning in toward me - I could mentally deflect it and send it whirling off in another direction, guiding it with a wave of my hand. I also quickly picked up on the ability to loosely control the paths of these weapons, offensively, sending them flying back toward the entities and trying to do them in with their own swords. The fighting was extremely fast-paced, like fighter planes dogfighting over the water; dipping close to the sea and then changing course at breakneck speeds. The rest of my unit continued to fire their weapons from their vessels, unless they had already been destroyed.

      Ultimately, though, we just weren't making any progress with these things. The huge swell in the water was just getting bigger and bigger. The swell then turned into a wall of water heading toward us. It was a few dozen feet high, and I could see that, after it, the rise in water level would be completely overwhelming. 'Standing' on the surface of the water, once again, I quickly increased my altitude in just enough time for the wave to pass beneath me. On the back side of the wave, the water level was now practically touching my feet again, and I looked back toward the shoreline just in time to see the wave smash into the rest of my crew and the passenger boats in the area, immediately capsizing them and washing them away. I looked down toward my feet to see an enormous black shadow forming. Something massive was surfacing beneath me. I pivoted on the water and shot off in one direction, the surface of the water speeding off into my peripheral vision. I could see that this shadow was following me, though, moving just as fast as I was. Again, I went even higher, arcing up above the water and looking down below.

      Finally, my pursuer appeared - bursting out of the water with jaws wide open. It was as if Godzilla, himself (the 1997 version) came jumping out of the water like some sort of leviathan. (It was, without a doubt, the largest sea monster I can recall ever dreaming.) I frantically increased my speed and the gigantic teeth snapped closed behind me - so close that I actually had to tuck my legs and then kick off the monster's closed maw to fly even faster. The only thing I ever saw was the head because its incredible size blocked any possible view of the rest of its body. This colossus just continued to chase me - diving in and out of the water and keeping pace with me - repeatedly snapping its teeth within just feet behind me as I tried to fly faster and faster away from it.

      I don't remember the outcome of the chase, though. But damn that was intense.
    8. Serial-Killer Killer

      by , 06-05-2011 at 02:38 AM (Torra)

      Updated 11-06-2011 at 02:40 AM by 39215

    9. 02/11/11 DDO Exploration

      by , 02-14-2011 at 02:09 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Plans: No new plans, just the normal tasks and goals. I am camping... I'm not sure what effect that will have on my recall... but I'm hoping for the best.


      DDO Explorations
      I am inside of a game of DDO with Tigress. I don't even consider that I'm dreaming, I am too busy thinking how cool my new virtual reality system is. I can't believe how realistic it is, it looks like a really vivid dream. So Tigress and I are exploring an area of the game we have never been in before, we have decided to just explore and kill stuff for now. The area is crawling with enemies, so there is no shortage of things to kill. In fact, we are constantly being attacked by all manner of enemies from orcs to bugbears to goblins to humans, there is hardly a break from it.

      We find some caves and hidden places to explore, as well as a few rare encounters. In one chamber we are attacked by a giant orc who seems intent on smashing us into the ground. I use a lightning attack to knock him down and Tigress cuts his throat, killing him. We continue exploring the are until we find a group of Devourer minions making a sacrifice to the Devourer. They have three women tied to a wooden pole, all three of them are naked, and a ring of fire has been lit around the women. The Devourer minions are standing in a circle around the ring of fire chanting in some strange language. A couple more of them are throwing fuel on the ring of flame to make it burn higher. The fire burns so hot the chanting minions have to back off a bit due to the heat. The heat in the center of the ring where the prisoners are tied must be extreme. We are spotted by one of the minions building up the fire, and he announces that there are intruders, kill them! The sacrifice must by completed! A couple of them keep chanting at the fire, most of them attack Tigress and me. Their plan to kill us meets with epic failure as we kill off the attackers with little difficulty. We kill the last two who are chanting at the ring of fire. Now to free the prisoners... But the fire is much too hot to get through to the prisoners. The roar of the flames, over that sound I can hear at least one woman screaming in pain and fear... I want to get to them. Tigress casts an immunity to flame spell on both of us. We get through the flames to the prisoners, who are no longer tied to the pole. The ropes burned away, but there is still nowhere for them to go since they are surrounded by fire. Tigress casts immunity to fire on the prisoners so we can get out of the fire. Once outside I see that the prisoners have burns over most of their bodies. I use healing spells on them and we are able to scavenge some robes off of dead Devourer minions to clothe them. We continue exploring and come to the sea where we are attacked by some kind of giant sea creature that is being controlled by sahuagin.

      We defend against the creature until we're able to find a psychic sahuagin controlling the squid. Once that sahuagin is dead, the sea creature feasts on sahuagin before returning to the sea. We spend the rest of the dream exploring and fighting off random enemies, there are no more rare encounters before I wake. The annoying thing is there don't seem to be any chests left by these rare encounters! What a rip off!


      Map of the World
      I am looking at a map with Tigress, it is a huge map that looks almost like a map of the world. The cities and landmarks are all fictional, however. I look at the names on the map and I recognize such places as Korthos and Stormreach as being DDO locations, but there are sooooo many more locations than just those. Are all of those just the small places to be found by exploring? Or are there more cities and stuff that Tigress and I have left to find? I see a couple places near Korthos, to get there a traveler would have to go through an area that had previously been blocked by ice before the dragon was set free. So Tigress and I make plans to more completely search the area around Korthos. There is so much more to do out there! So many more quests wait, so many enemies need to die! Let's go! I am excited to go, but instead I wake up in my bed in the tent.
    10. 11 Nov: WILDing, mountain village and attack of the gadgets

      by , 11-12-2010 at 03:49 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      22:00 GMT

      Undergroung radio station
      On a big room, like a school canteen or lounge area, at night. It’s semi-dark, but I can see tables and chairs piled up. Whoever was around is leaving the place but I stay behind, hidden, because I want to explore some basements below. I found out there’s a -1 level which is used for storage and a -2 level that is attracting my curiosity. After descending some stairs to -1 basement, there’s a square hatch to a -2 level. I touch the walls and find some metal ladder to go down. Then I can’t see a thing, it’s pitch black and I can’t find any light switch.
      Then I hear voices of a group of girls coming. I am hopeful they’ll stay in level -1, but they actually come down the hatch and I’m trapped. I decide not to make a big deal out of it. They know where the light is and turn it on. I smile at them. Luckily they didn’t shit their pants when seeing me there. Apparently there was also nothing so important down there, because they were not upset with my presence. The first half of the space was also for storage, but then they invited me in to the second half, much cosier, full of posters from the 80’s on the walls. It was an amateur radio station, they used to run when they were school girls! They tell me their old stories, we plaid some music, we spent a good time.

      0:30 GMT

      Similar dream – probably continuation of previous dream – but can’t recall details. Also something about my cat and my BF.

      2:00 GMT

      Trying to stabilize a WILD
      I fall asleep and I enter a dream lucid. Just hold on to some images passing by and started to dream, but control and lucidity were a bit weak. I felt sleepy and tired as if my awaken-life body was still too present on my mind. I felt that if I sat meditating, the dream would fade away, so I just consciously watched it. I was on some kind of fair on a village. I notice the stands and a freaky guy following me around. I then saw some tourism promotion shop with glass walls – selling German arts and crafts and sharing brochures about the country. To stabilize my lucidity I decide to go inside it and just look at all the things in display. There’s a desk at my left with some German lady smiling at me. By her side there’s some kind of children’s book I find fascinating, because the book is in the format of a flower and the pages are the petals and fold to the centre. Then I sit on a very cool resting wicker chair and unfortunately I’m still feeling tired so I can’t hold lucidity and I just wake up.

      3:00 GMT

      Another unstable lucid
      Again lucid, on a roadside. I think some guys invite me to a road trip but I say no. Instead I float around some village trying to stabilize the dream, but I still feel very tired. I remember something about vegetable gardens and narrow streets, then I go blank.

      Museum and party on a village
      Now I'm on a mountain village. Getting out of some café/restaurant with my BF and heading to our car. I notice we left our bags and wallets on our seats and didn’t even close the car. The car is parked on a sightseeing terrace over the ocean. I am looking at the view, the water, the boats and the clouds in the sky when a jumbo jet passes by really low altitude. I pick up my camera to film it. And then the jet flips in the air and sinks on the water down below. I get scared but then the jet jumps out of water and it is now a whale. OK. Then as I watch this jet-whale jumping on water, This whole terrace thing is now a theatre on some museum, where they play 3D movies (been recently to something like this in Japan).
      I’m now accompanied by my father and the movie is about sea monsters – the whale now transformed into a pre-historic whale with sharp teeth. It is so cool and realistic but my father is totally missing it, because he didn’t like the place he was at (everybody had to stand, leaning over a handrail). The movie was ending and he was complaining he didn’t see a thing. During the movie, I tried to get him on a better place but he was in a terrible mood, not accepting any suggestion, so I just gave up. In the end, I was so excited about the movie but he had found another horrible guy who also just kept complaining about everything. Then a new session was about to start and I suggested they tried again but now they were demanding that the session was halted someone from the staff came over and take care of their complaints. I told them they were being jerks, that they had no experience of these continuous playing movies on museums and if they were not happy just please go away. They didn’t go, so I did.
      I went outside and I’m still on the same mountain village. Lots of amazing views around. Lots of green, cute little houses in the hills. I become lucid again. I see many people gathered at what seems to be the main square of the village, a bit down below from where I am standing and decide to fly over to see what’s going on. It’s some kind of party but it’s too crowded and I decide to go under an arched tunnel just by the side of this huge crowd. As I fly by the tunnel I see some long table full of toys and dolls, placed in a way to create a kind of domestic scene. I guessed it was some kind of birthday party for a kid and this display was for the party’s kids. I am coming out on the other side of the tunnel, when I cough in RL and I wake up.

      5:10 GMT

      Attack of the gadgets
      On a wood cottage with my mom, my aunt and lots of other people. We’re trying to find a spot to put a mattress and sleep for the night on some mezzanine over a large empty living room, but it is simply crowded. I finally find a spot near the stairs that go to ground level. When I’m settled, I go downstairs, as do my mom and aunt. As they sit outside on a tree trunk, relaxing in the sun, I see a bunch of robots and gadgets coming up the hill behind them and terrifying everyone at his passage. My mom and aunt don’t seem so worried. OK, it wasn’t like the “I, Robot”, so I understand they didn’t look threatened – ipods, toy-robots, those alarm clocks with wheels to run away from you when they ring, and so on – but still, they were marching as an army and I didn’t feel secure. They ended up invading the house and cornering people. Then a huge LCD with a home cinema sound system came majestically into the giant empty living room and forced people to watch some film on its screen. And demanded full undivided attention. When there were music clips playing, people had to dance to it. I was hiding and watching this at distance. Then some guy got tired and stopped dancing, wanted to run away. The LCD beamed the guy up with some type of laser and disintegrated him. Then people started to really freak out. I’m thinking about how I’m gonna save people from this when... in RL my BF wakes me up.

      6:30 GMT

      Updated 11-12-2010 at 03:54 PM by 34880

      non-lucid , lucid
    11. Link's water dungeon adventure.

      by , 01-12-2010 at 06:00 AM (Visions in the Dark)
      Dream starts off with Link from the Legend of Zelda videogame series travelling to outside of a dungeon by a lakeshore with many flowers and ferns. I cannot remember what the dungeon entrance looked like or how Link got in. He is very muscular and "manly" and proceeds with confidence because he can navigate his way and defeat monsters with ease. There is a bouncy spring at the end of the first hall (which is made of blueish grey bricks), that bounces the person who jumps on it across a cavernous room to the next level, which is elevated beyound normal reach. Link jumps on the spring and starts to fly across the extremely large space but notices a floating bridge high up in the air and is able to direct himself towards it.

      Link lands on the stone bridge and walks to the end of it which is blocked by a partially fallen wall. There is a space to squeeze through just big enough for Link and when he's through he is in another extemely large cavernous room, but this one is even bigger than the last and the floor is covered in a deep pool of murky water. The bridge abruptly ends not far from where Link had to squeeze through and it looks as if it has been broken off or crumbled away. Standing at the edge of the bridge and looking to the right, Link can see a tunnel that sits just above the water line and he figures that is where he has to go.

      Just then an enormous sea monster jumps of the water and knocks Link off the edge of the bridge. He falls with the monster into the murky water and kind of panics because he cannot fight or defend himself while swimming and there seems to be no ledges at first upon which he can grab to get out of the water. The pool was calm and still at first but is now thrashy and wavy from the sea monsters movements, making it difficult for Link to keep his head above the water. Many of the waves slam him against the wall of the pool and he sustains damage.

      The movement of the waves forces Link to the opposite end of the pool from where the exit tunnel is and for the first time he notices that there are other people in the water, also trying to stay afloat. Link sticks his head under the surface and sees the bottom of the pool, which is shallower in this end than the other and there is seaweed growing on the bottom. The other people in the water consist of several men of various ages and a young woman with short brown hair. When the water has settled down the people and Link swim over to the tunnel and pull themselves out of the water.

      Link sees that the young woman is wearing a short skirt, low cut top and leather jacket and he feels attracted to her. She looks seductively at him then walks down the tunnel. Link wants to follow but can't because the old man starts talking to him saying that the people have to live in this tunnel because the sea monster has trapped them there. He doen't explain why they were in the water however.

      There are bunks on the side of the tunnel and some of the younger men and Link lay down on them. When it seems that everyone else is asleep, Link gets up and walks down the tunnel. He turns a corner and finds that it comes to a dead end because the tunnel is blocked by metal grates and stuff. The young woman is there and Link goes over to her and they start making out. Some of the young men from the group come looking for them and they stop what they are doing and try to act nochalant. One of the young boys asks Link to follow him.

      I cannot remember anymore of the dream.

      Updated 06-24-2010 at 06:25 AM by 6048

    12. Plesiosaurus vs. Ichthyosaurus

      by , 08-03-1977 at 02:03 PM
      Morning of August 3, 1967. Thursday.

      This is probably my first vivid plesiosaurus dream. It mostly involves the “coming to life” of a two-page painting spread which I think was inspired by a book in real life previously (though I have not tracked down the source). It involved a very vivid and long event of a plesiosaurus fighting with an ichthyosaurus. There was a lot of color and well-rendered detail. I was seemingly not in any danger at any point; it was more as if I was floating about or hovering, watching the event as if it was some sort of amazing holographic movie. At times, I was aware of being in a large sailboat on my own on a calm sunny afternoon, though, and watching and feeling the movement of the big waves (caused by the fight) hitting my sailboat. There were times when I felt joy in looking up at these creatures from my sailboat. It seemed that no other person was around for many miles. This was like a special private enjoyment. There were minor degrees of semi-lucidity at times. The closest shore was seemingly west, though I had thoughts that I was traveling southeast.

      Updated 10-08-2015 at 08:42 AM by 1390

      lucid , memorable